So what's this mess then?
Probably the best thing to call it is an experiment. The purpose being: to find out if spending fifteen bucks on a domain name is enough of an incentive to get me to write once a week, every week? Wait, hold on. That's a guaranteed fail, on a long enough timescale. Okay, okay. How about this. How long will a sunk cost of fifteen bucks motivate me to write stuff? That's much more scientific. Sort of.
The experiment also has another, top secret true aim, which shall not be disclosed until the time is right, as it involves several metric tonnes of gelatin, a thermonuclear warhead, and thirty-seven matching spandex suits, and ends in world domination by a genetically modified sentient pineapple... but I've already said too much. Shhh. (everyone hail to the pineapple king.)
Wait, wait. Back up. Who are you?
Oh yeah. That one normally goes first. My name's Rocky. I'm a uni student in Western Australia, which is on the other side of the world from just about anywhere interesting - but at least we have the internet, right?
I have an blog, which I've had since I was probably about eleven, and it's where I put the riveting tales of my everyday existence, and the rants/nerd-rages/altogether-too-pensieve-midnight-angst-reflections, and stuff. It's called The Eyrie (thanks, 2006!me, for that wonderful title. Not. Really, really not.) But since it's integral to both parts of the experiment to keep these two separated, that's the only link I'm going to post to it.
What's with that title?
I'm doing these all in the wrong order. As I've sort of hinted at, the purpose of this is to put the sunk-cost fallacy to my own advantage by forcing me to write things. The title is a reference (because making your title a reference to something else is a brilliant way to start off an exercise in originality) to these Homestar Runner... er, things. Except with 'fic' as in 'fiction' substituted for 'biz' as in 'bizness'. Look, it seemed clever when I registered the domain, okay?